SPO1410_Exam_Tobias Sagen Wikmark_ Jens Christian Saltvedt Haarstad_Gisle Aune 

User guide:  

W Forward 

S Backward 

A Moving to the left 

D Moving to the right 

Spacebar Jump 

C to crouch 

T = change song.  

Camera Control: move the mouse. 

Select target by clicking on the enemies with your mouse.(RMB) 

you have to be close to the enemies to be able to strike them with attacks. 

1 & 2 & 3 are damage attacks 

1 = 3 sec cooldown 5-10 damage 

2 = 5 sec cooldown 10-20 damage 

3 = 10 sec cooldown 15-30 damage  



Left joystick: Move around 

Right joystick: Camera 

Select a target using the reticle on screen and push the right upper trigger on the controller. 


1 = LB 

2 = X 

3 = Y 

Made withUnity